viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020


We are going to watch this video with the 2nd chapter of our books story.

I want you to write a SUMMARY of the story, here below, in the Comments

For this summary, I want you to write at least five sentences you listen in the video. If you write 10 or more sentences, I'll put the maximum mark. Try it!

13 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. Que escribas todas las frases que entiendas del vídeo. Cuantas más, mejor...

  2. The children at nine o'clock to lok the misis rom is visier train on the day the woman's name is Gloria whats your cais stamp go to de musian, at the old estamp in the canis can si the old estap please? yes of course, we need the police the trains stop and the police they watch the people of the trayn it's missing romm is rofleing is fife andren metres

  3. I like so much especially when discovered the photo.

  4. It's very interesant because find a lot mistery

  5. I loved it I want to see the end to see if they solve the mystery.

  6. The children arrived at the train parked at Foxton at nine o'clock. That was the time when the train was most crowded.
    A woman came and Joey lowered his seat.
    The woman was called Gloria.
    Gloria had a very old case, and the children asked her what she had in her case.
    "What's in your case?"
    "A stamp. I'll take it to the museum."
    And suddenly a man appeared and asked for the tikets.
    Gloria told them that this seal was the oldest in the world.
    Matt asked if they could see her.
    And the glory said yes.
    "Can we see the seal?"
    "Yes, Ok"
    Gloria opened the box and the seal was gone.
    "Oh no"
    Matt stopped the train to call the police.
    What is the problem? Asked the ticket collector.
    Matt started to think and realized that this was not the case for Gloria, but that the fake ticket collector had stolen it.
    That is not your case !!!
    The police arrived and asked for a description of the thief.
    Joey drew it.
    The police left and the children got out of the train first to see if the thief came out.
    They saw a poster and Anabelle thought that Mr Rose could be in the art exhibition?
    "It is only 500 meters away let's go on foot"
    "Come on, Scamp! Let´s go to Blooming Palace"

  7. Can we see the stand. What`s the problems. I don't freze. 10 minutes later the children and Foxton. The children get off the train. They see the poster.

  8. it was very interesting in the part in which the boy gave his seat to the lady.
    afterwards also when a lady appeared asking for the suitcases
    from the travelers to store them after they where taken away they gave her a suitcase
    that was non that had been very interesting especially when he called the police to
    investigate that crime.

  9. Estamp and ticket the Museum , Joey sasy have my sit.

    Can we see the stam?

    The train is stop.

    The ticket are collected.

    What's the problem?

    The police arrive.

    Mising grou isn't on the train.

  10. I love mistery stories . This! is ver y interesting, similar to the theft of the clock. I Find it difficult to understand the dialogues, they speak very quickly.

  11. This story is about four young detectives who get on a train to go to Foxton.
    They meet a woman named Gloria.Joey offers him his seat and Matt asks him what was in his briefcase.She replied that stamps and tickets for the museum. But a mysterious man in a hat and raincoat stole his briefcase and exchanged it for another, teaching the boys, and seeing her empty ,i scream scare.Matt pressed the button of the emergency train and a woman in uniform came and told him what was the problem.Matt thought it was all a robbery. The police arrived and Joey took a look at the suspect. The four boys getting off the train did not see that man.

  12. 1_The children get on the train Foxton a 9:00.
    2_Have my site. Thank you.
    3_The woman`s name is gloria.
    4_What is your case? Stamp.
    5_Gloria tell the children about the stamp.
    6_But when Gloria open the case...oh no!
    7_ The train stop.
    8_What´s the problem?
    9_The police arrived.
    10_The train stop again.


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