martes, 26 de mayo de 2020


It's the year 3034. We are on our way to visit Cheesenpeas, a planet in a faraway galaxy. Our invisible spaceship flies for months past planets, stars and galaxies, then we arrive.

Whe open the door and look out, Cheesenpeas is very blue. There is an alien behind a rock. It strange and purple

"Help me"! shouts the strange, purple alien."Some rabbits from another planet have killed everybody but me. I need to escape". Suddenly we see the rabbits. We all run to the invisible spaceship and jump in.

 We pull the strange, purple alien into the ship and quickly fly away. The rabbits are below. We fly back to the Earth and the strange, purple alien teaches us about Cheesenpeas and the faraway galaxy.

-The end-

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